City Boards

Our static city billboards are strategically located across Cyprus in order to ensure that your brand gets the most out of its views!

Why choose static in-city billboards?

With a population of 1.2 million, passing in the streets every day, either by car, bus, e-bike, scooters or motorbikes, there’s no better way to get your brand’s message out to your local audience.

There’s no why, only why not?

Using digital advertising in conjunction with a billboard strategy is a great way to reinforce your message. Your brand message is automatically viewed across multiple advertising channels, reaching your audience in real time.

We’re here to:

Elevate your brand experience
Amplify your brand messaging

And we offer

Precision audience targeting at the right moment

For you to

Get ahead of the competition

For static in-city billboards, we offer:

– Minimum 2 week rental
– Yearly rental possibilities
– Design ideas
– Designs at a low cost of just 100EU

If you would like to find out more about our range of in-city billboards, call us on: +357 25 261 060.

Alternatively you can drop us an email at:, or fill in our Contact Form and a member of our team will get back to you shortly.


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